'Imam and Pastor' film screening by World Vision in Chad

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Imam and Pastor screening by World Vision in Chad

A national conference for Christian leaders brought together over 1,000 Chadians in N'Djamena from 24-28 June. One of the two main themes of the conference (entitled 'La Conférence des Pasteurs et Responsables des Eglises et Assemblées au Tchad') was interfaith dialogue. This was addressed by Chawkat Moucarry, director for inter-faith relations at World Vision.

Chawkat Moucarry showed the film The Imam and the Pastor (made by Initiatives of Change's FLTfilms) to the 1000 participants.

He writes: 'The film provided a perfect case-study to demonstrate that Christians and Muslims are able to (and should) work for peace and reconciliation between the two communities. This does not require any compromise, quite the contrary; as the two leaders point out in this outstanding documentary, one can draw on the example of both the Prophet and the Messiah to highlight that God is a merciful and forgiving God, and those who call upon his name should be the first to renounce violence and commit to promote interfaith cooperation for the well-being of society. The film had a huge impact on all participants who felt deeply challenged to give up their prejudice and to relate lovingly to their neighbours.'